Why Us?

There are often many choices/decisions when looking for a storage company.
Boxer Storage pride ourselves on providing competitive prices, friendly service and total respect for our customers and their belongings.

Opening Hours

We can open early and close late on weekdays for a cost and open on weekends for a cost

  • Monday - Friday
    7:30 - 17:30
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

We Offer

 A professional, cost-effective service

 Domestic & commercial moves

 Courteous & friendly staff

 Long & short term secure storage solutions

About Boxer Storage

Welcome to Boxer Storage web site.

Do you have personal effects or office goods which are taking up valuable and expensive space in your home or office.

Moving home or overseas with a need to keep some good stored in the UK while you rent or sell your property?

Considering putting them into store?

With the advent of self storage many people are paying very high rates to store small volumes of goods in difficult to access premises spread over multiple floors. This means you have to wait for lifts and physically man handle your goods into the lift and up to various floors then to your storage unit. You have to ensure your unit is big enough to handle your requirement paying for space nt al used.

There is an alternative. Containerised storage. We can make containers available at ground level for your vehicle to back up to the doors and unload into a sealed wooden container. If necessary we can organise transport to deliver and collect the containers. You fill only the container or containers you need. You can collect goods again from the ground floor (seven days notice).

We storage in specially designed industry standard wooden containers which we can load at your premises or you can instruct others to bring into store here. Double handling is avoided because these are offloaded by forklift and stacked in such a way that we can retrieve when requested and enhanced security is provided by wall to wall stacking.

Where do you start. Go to our volume calculator and complete a list of the items you propose to store. When our calculator has worked out the cubic volume for you please click the send button and we can discuss the options.

If you wish to compare containerised storage with traditional self storage then divide the total cubic volume by five and this will give you a square footage need from a self storage company based on you stacking the goods to an average height of five feet. You will find self storage to be expensive and inconvenient when you factor in the distance from your vehicle to your unit. The reason we suggest a height of five foot is that your space at self storage does not let you have the convenience of four walls to stack against whereas the wooden containers do. You can of course divide by six if you think you have the skills to stack at six foot tall. Self storage will quote you a rate per square foot and you can then get a good comparison.

We can recommend companies using containerised storage vehicles who can bring the containers to your address and prepare an inventory and load and seal your goods into the containers.

Why Choose Us


Professional & Cost Effective

 A professional, cost-effective service

Serve both Domestic & Commercial Clients

 Domestic & commercial moves

Friendly team

 Courteous & friendly staff

Storage Containers
cups of tea